FinExpertiza took part in the development of the professional standard "Adviser on taxes and levies"

4 September 2020

Experts of FinExpertiza International Audit and Consulting Network took part in the development of the professional standard "Adviser on taxes and levies". The introduction of the professional standard was initiated by the Chamber of Tax Advisers, which is a member of CFE Tax Advisers Europe. To date, the development of the standard has been completed and in the near future it will be submitted for approval to the Ministry of Labor.

The new standard will create the following benefits for the professional community and consulting services

  • It will standardize the training and methodology complex and the system of qualification assessment;
  • it will become for consumers (both employers and clients who turn to tax consultants) a tool for assessing the conformity of the experts' competence if they have the appropriate documentary evidence of competence after passing the professional certification procedure (independent assessment of qualifications according to the established rules);
  • it will improve the professional skills of experts in the field of tax advisory, enhance their motivation, efficiency and quality of their work;
  • it will ensure equal conditions on the labour market for graduates of various educational institutions via confirmation of actual knowledge and skills of a specialist;
  • it will reduce costs of employers for development of their own systems of assessment of prospective employees in the field of tax advisory.

You may learn about the draft standard by following this link.

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