FinExpertiza Network has turned 5

5 November 2018

Dear partners, colleagues, friends, all FinExpertiza family,

Today our continent-spanning network has turned 5, which means we’ve been together for half a decade!

Over the past 5 years we’ve made ourselves heard in 12 countries, joined world’s most important auditing alliance - Forum of Firms, and entered the global top 30 auditing and consulting networks.

Not bad for a start, is it? Now is the time to congratulate us brilliant people, оur trusted partners, loyal clients and Founder of FinExpertiza Network Elena Trubnikova on this line of dazzling conquests!

In the words of Henry Ford, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Here’s to our success!

Yours, FinExpertiza

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