GDP will return to its pre-crisis level over three to five years. Nina Kozlova’s comment in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta"

14 November 2017

According to Rosstat's preliminary data, the growth of the national economy is slowing down, and is unlikely to be 2% at the year-end. By 2023 our economy is expected to reach 2013's level that is considered good enough. Such estimations were presented by economists from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The Russian economic growth which could be called a recovery has not been noticed yet.

Nina Kozlova

General Director of FinExpertiza

"The GDP growth of 6.4% and 10% in 1999 and 2000 respectively after the fall of 5.3% in 1998 can be considered as regenerative growth of the economy. The forecasted figure of 2% for 2017 does not belong to the regenerative growth, as it is understood traditionally, because key features are absent, i.e. no high growth rate at the initial stage. We could believe that the crisis in the economy has been overcome in the case of GDP growth equal to 4% or more.”

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