FinExpertiza Training Center will hold a number of practical seminars named THE WAY TO SUCCEED as part of information and advisory support given to small and medium-sized enterprises by Penza Region Development Corporation

13 June 2018

FinExpertiza Training Center will hold more than 40 seminars for entrepreneurs of Penza Oblast. The topics will embrace almost every urgent issue faced by small and medium-sized enterprises. This includes participation in government contracts, promotion of goods, tax burden optimization and reviews, business development strategy.

Startuppers will have an opportunity to attend the course “How to start a business and succeed: typical mistakes and how to avoid them”.

The seminars will last till the end of 2018. It is assumed that they will be attended by almost eight hundred small and medium-sized enterprises.

Each seminar will take at least 4 academic hours, and 70% of them will be held at municipal entities of Penza Oblast to make it more convenient for attendees.

The first seminar is to be held on 13 June 2018.

This is not the first time when FinExpertiza Training center and Penza Region Development Corporation cooperate. In 2017 FinExpertiza Training Center held several dozens of various seminars for entrepreneurs of Penza and Penza Oblast.

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