
If you are an owner or a top manager of a medium and large-scale business you often need to have the assets you manage valued. You might have staff confident in valuing businesses, forecasting cash flows and changes in the asset structure however most transactions require an independent appraiser to be involved and a valuation report to be prepared. Even if no necessity arises advice from an experienced advisor can be of use. The opinion of an independent appraiser is often the final argument in key decision making.

Our huge experience in implementing complex projects for our clients enables us to form a comprehensive view of the needs that may arise in the course of doing business, even if the management has a business process that has not been identified as a specific task.

Our high experience of work with the large holdings in all economic sectors and the unique competence of our staff allow us to solve every challenge in the sphere of valuation. Our widespread branch network gives us the ability to do it quickly and efficiently.

Our clients

  • Rosnano State Corporation
  • Rostekhnologii State Corporation
  • Atomenergomash
  • Complex Energy Systems Holding
  • NLMK
  • Sberbank of Russia
  • EuroSibEnergo
  • Transmashholding
  • VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation
  • AutoVAZ
  • REGIONS Group
  • Irkutskenergo
  • Roszheldorproject
  • Ramfood Group
  • Shvabe

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