Following its tradition, FinExpertiza enters the rating of the legal market leaders "Pravо.ru-300"

12 December 2023

In the past year, FinExpertiza team of lawyers implemented large-scale and significant projects in various areas of legal consulting, which allowed them to receive highly positive reviews from experts and enter the rating of the leaders in the Russian legal market "".

FinExpertiza audit and consulting network is recommended in seven categories at once:

  • "Tax consulting".
  • "Corporate law/Mergers&Acquisitions (mid-market)".
  • "Labour and migration law".
  • "Mineral resources/Energy sector".
  • "Compliance".
  • "Sanction law".
  • "Intellectual property".

The Pravo-300 rating is the most large-scale study of the legal market in Russia and serves as a benchmark for courts and customers to help them assess the level and professionalism of legal consultants.

We would like to thank the experts for their trust, and FinExpertiza team of lawyers for their professionalism.

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