At Russian CFO Summit the top management of FinExpertiza took an active part in key debates

25 October 2013

From 21 to 24 October, Moscow hosted the 10th annual conference "Russian CFO Summit" organized by Adam Smith Institute. This event was one of the most significant for the financiers of the largest Russian and international companies. FinExpertiza traditionally took an active part in the Summit. This year, our delegation was headed by Agvan Mikaelyan, Managing Partner of ACG FinExpertiza. Tatyana Podtikan, General Director of FinExpertiza Consulting, was a moderator of the session devoted to optimization of business processes with use of the latest technologies and presented the report "Lessons learned from implementation of the program of large-scale projects. Challenges of methodological support". At Summit FinExpertiza was also represented by Nina Kozlova General Director of OOO FinExpertiza, Svetlana Baburina Commercial Director, Alexey Guskov Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance, Vladimir Krutov Head of Support Department and other key partners of the company. The Summit participants could talk with the representatives of FinExpertiza not only in the process of discussion, but also at the booth of the company in front of the conference hall.

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