United Engine Corporation is going to get the Finexpertiza's advice in the field of transfer pricing

20 August 2014

FinExpertiza was named the winner based on the quotations for the consulting and analytical services to OAO United Engine Corporation in the field of transfer pricing. In accordance with the contract FinExpertiza is analyzing possible ways to substantiate compliance of prices with the market level, developing recommendations for methods of preparing documents in view of possible tax risks, carrying out the statistical study into the profitability of comparable companies, preparing transfer pricing documents for each party of the transaction for the submission to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation.

United Engine Corporation is an integrated structure manufacturing engines for military and civil aviation, space programs, units of various capacity to generate electrical and thermal energy, gas compressor units and ship-borne gas-turbine units. United Engine Corporation is a 100% subsidiary of Oboronprom and has consolidated over 85% of the industry assets.

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