FinExpertiza speaker's opinion about the most promising sectors for investment at the conference "M&A Market in Russia. 2018 Revival"

11 October 2017

The conference "M&A Market in Russia. 2018 Revival" dedicated to key trends in mergers and acquisitions was held on 6 October. Vasily Igonin, Deputy Head of Valuation Department of FinExpertiza, made a report on import substitution in Russia. The main theme of his presentation was the assessment of industries in terms of investment. According to the analysis of GDP, capitalization of the largest companies, the structure of investment in fixed assets, the expert identified the most interesting sectors for investment as part of the state program on import substitution.

- "The promising areas in which the import substitution is actively developing are software development (IT technology), agriculture, production sector. Projects in software development and agriculture are likely to become the most profitable ones. The production sector, as an industry, requires a lot of development costs and is more suitable in a long-term perspective. State support programs in agriculture are implemented while the entrance barrier to the market is lower," he said.

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