Growth rate of gasoline prices is two to three times higher than inflation according to FinExpertiza’s study in Rossiyskaya Gazeta

28 May 2018

Gasoline below 39 rubles per liter can be bought in five regions among 85 regions of Russia. However, the price on average is higher in Russia, equal to 41.28 rubles. This is conclusion by FinExpertiza’s analytical service on the basis of Rosstat's data on overall inflation and the rate of growth in the gasoline value at regional level. The monitoring by the statistical office served as a basis for the period from 9 January through 14 May.

According to the study, “Gasoline inflation" is 1.16-8.39 times greater than the total value. Gasoline has grown the most in Crimea.

The full text of the study can be found on the official website of FinExpertiza.

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