Special purpose audit


  • you have doubts whether tax reports are correct and you require an independent opinion,
  • the terms of the agreement between your company and a third-party provide for preparation of financial statements in accordance with special rules,
  • you need statements prepared on a cash-basis (revenues and expenses are recognised at the time of their payment),
  • there is an obligation to provide a report on expenses incurred under a contract confirmed by an independent auditor to a counterparty, inspecting bodies,
  • you need an auditor's report on financial statements prepared in accordance with special rules,

then we are ready to perform an audit in accordance with the tasks set by you.

Within the framework of agreed-upon procedures our professionals shall:

  • assess the accuracy of calculation of taxes and charges payable in accordance with the Russian legislation;
  • identify risky situations and possible violations of the tax legislation, assess the validity of the use of tax incentives;
  • confirm the accuracy of financial statements ;
  • confirm whether assets, liabilities and equity are correctly valued;
  • prevent mistakes and provide recommendations to correct the ones already made.

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