Tax risks analysis

If your company expects a tax audit or you have doubts whether the tax accounting policies are appropriate or you consider a new project that requires investment or you increase your business, then we are ready to offer you a comprehensive analysis of tax risks.

Our professional staff will identify tax risks by:

  • making an initial assessment of the current tax system;
  • performing an overall analysis with consideration of certain elements of the tax system;
  • identifying key facts that have an effect on tax indicators;
  • verifying methods of calculating tax payments;
  • performing a legal and tax analysis of the current system of economic relations;
  • reviewing document flow, studying functions and powers of the departments responsible for tax calculation and payment in order to provide further recommendations;
  • making an initial calculation of the company tax indicators;
  • verifying accuracy of tax calculations and payments and of payments to the budget and non-budget funds.

Our analysis shall result in:

  • determining whether the taxes and charges payable in accordance with the rules set by the Russian legislation are appropriately computed;
  • identifying breaches of tax laws and regluations and risky situations (risks with regard to transactions and objects where taxation is treated ambiguously by the legislation, or where inconsistent court practice has been developed or ambiguous explanations of the authorized bodies have been issued);
  • advice with regard to prevention of possible claims and penalties related to risky situations and breaches of tax laws and regulations;
  • minimization of tax risks.

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