Consolidated financial statements
If you are the owner or a top-manager of a group of related companies that are legally independent but actually being one business and in order to make management decisions you need to confirm accuracy of combined (consolidated) financial statements, we are here to assist you. In some cases you may need an audit of financial statements of several companies even though they are legally not related to each other. For example, combined financial statements can be prepared before the capital transaction of merger of two companies to be able to see beforehand how the consolidated financial statements of the group of companies shall look like after the business combination.
By engaging us to audit the consolidated financial statements you will get:
- a real picture of the financial and economic activities of the companies of the Group;
- information with respect to consistency of accounting policies applied to prepare consolidated financial statements;
- confirmation whether the consolidated financial statements have been accurately prepared;
- confirmation whether assets, liabilities and equity of the Group's financial statements have been appropriately valued;
- an assessment of financial risks;
- prevention of mistakes and an opportunity to correct those already made;
- an assessment of possible investment risks in the event an acquisition transaction is planned with respect to a Group of companies
If you do not have a capacity to prepare consolidated financial statements, our staff will prepare them for you.
Consolidated financial statements are comprised of:
- balance sheet;
- income statement;
- statement of changes in equity (we will agree whether you require this statement);
- notes to the financial statements (with breakdowns of the balance sheet and income statement indicators).
In addition to that, we can prepare the statement of cash flows upon your request.