Organizing shared services center

If the following is true in respect of your holding:

  • there is a large number of legal entities,
  • different business units (branches and legal entities) are spread throughout different territories,
  • different accounting methods are applied,
  • considerable expenses for accounting and financial reporting,
  • there is a redundant number of staff involved in accounting processes,
  • there is a difference in applied information systems,

and in connection with that you would like to transfer accounting functions to a shared services center, we are ready to provide you methodological support including:

  • developing requirements to a shared services center;
  • developing principles of the organizational structure of the shared services center;
  • development and implementation of uniform methodological principles for bookkeeping, tax and management accounting, for accounting, tax and management reporting;
  • design and implementation of the uniform (integrated) management system fulfilling the requirements of the whole set of accounting processes;
  • adjustment and reconciliation of accounting business processes from generation of accounting information to generation of reports to improve the efficiency of decision-taking;
  • distribution of accounting functions between all responsible individuals in order to identify the limits of responsibility of the parties involved in implementation of business processes;
  • development of the requirements to the informational support of the shared services center operation.

In addition, we shall take part in development of a typical project solution for implementation of the operation of the shared services center in the informational system of your choice.

Establishment of the shared service center shall enable you to:

  • minimize costs,
  • improve the quality of accounting procedures,
  • simplify integration of newly acquired companies into the group,
  • save time spent by management on administering accounting processes.

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