Tax accounting and planning

Accounting for operations for tax purposes is significantly different from general accounting rules. It is a separate accounting area that requires special attention from respective departments and from the company management.

If you need advice on complicated tax issues, on developing methodological documents with respect to tax accounting (for example, on developing tax accounting policies) and planning, our team of professional advisors with industry-specific knowledge and experience is ready to provide you with advice on the following issues:

  • Organizing and methodological support of tax accounting;
  • Developing recommendations to adapt elements and accounting registers to the chosen taxation concept;
  • Developing accounting policies for taxation purposes;
  • Tax analysis of business projects:
    • calculation of tax consequences;
    • assessing of tax risks with respect to business reorganization, investment and financial projects;
    • identification of sources of and reasons for tax risks and identification of ways to decrease tax burden;
  • Planning of the transaction form and substance with a view to obtain the best tax result including advice on contract terms and conditions.

What you shall get:

  • methodological foundation for tax accounting and tax planning of high quality based on best practices of tax function organization;
  • efficient tax system;
  • optimal taxation format.

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