Development of anti-crisis strategy

The situation nearly in all markets has changed dramatically for the recent months - the coronavirus pandemic has lead to the total drop in demand and a gap between the existent production and trading chains. During the crisis and uncertainty, it is crucial for the business to work out a clear working plan so as to promptly make right tactical and strategic decisions based on various scenarios.

FinExpertiza will develop a complex anti-crisis strategy for your company. It will be based on a comprehensive assessment of the entity's abilities, its perspective on the market and potential risks.

First, our experts will study any external factor that influences operations of your company. It means legislative and regulatory environment, macroeconomic features, market environment and competitors' activities.

Then, our experts will make a thorough analysis of the pre-crisis and current financial position of the company, its strong and weak sides, competitive advantages and existing limitations as well as the economic potential.

Finally, we will build up a flexible financial model to allow modelling various scenarios so that the management is able to make best suited decisions having in mind and being ready to estimate the economic effect.

Based on these components, an applied and maximum realistic anti-crisis business strategy will be developed for a certain entity. This strategy will provide a necessary managerial tool and allow your business to stand ground at a crisis and realise both short-term and long-term development tasks.

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