
In unstable economic environment, it is important for a business to be sure that all work processes within the company are functioning properly, and that assets and reserves are used efficiently and as intended. However, if external threats are relatively predictable and expected, “internal problems” most often are totally unexpected for a company. A person working at a particular enterprise knows its weaknesses and may cause significant reputational or material damage, make use of important corporate data at his/her own discretion. Illegal actions of company employees are usually extremely difficult to identify, and when fraud becomes obvious, it can already be too late.

FinExpertiza will help you identify and minimize the risks of fraud and corruption in your company. We offer a range of services in the field of combating internal corporate crimes in the following areas:

Analysis of accounting records and digital data, onsite visits to collect information and conduct an investigation;
Identification and documentation of direct theft of funds and other assets;
Detection of payments for fictitious goods, works and services that were not actually purchased;
Identification of transactions with potentially affiliated parties and non-market transactions with over- or understated prices;
Monitoring of beneficiaries of shady transactions, instances of corruption and conflicts of interest;
Disclosure of violations in procurement;
Identification of illegal actions or ineffective property management.

Our experts will collect and systematize all available data so that you will be able to make the right management decision. If a corporate crime is detected, our experts will provide the evidential basis for the investigation and legal proceedings.

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