Tax monitoring

Tax monitoring allows an enterprise to switch to remote interaction with tax authorities and avoid traditional checks. It helps the business to optimize costs and protects the company from potential risks and disputes with the tax service. This mode of operation significantly reduces the administrative burden and allows the company not to waste its resources, but to focus on strategic development.

In 2020, the deadline for submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service for the transition to this operating mode was postponed from June 30 to September 30. Thus, enterprises that would like to completely switch to online interaction with the tax service starting from the next year, have additional time to prepare.

To launch tax monitoring, a company requires a high level of automation of internal processes - bookkeeping and tax accounting, as well as internal control and risk management systems. In addition, it is necessary to ensure legal and technological interaction with the Federal Tax Service.

FinExpertiza has extensive experience in transferring companies to tax monitoring. Our experts will help your company accelerate the automation of business processes and go through all the necessary stages to switch to online interaction with tax authorities.

We offer the following services:

  Expert review of the current state of the automated accounting of the enterprise, internal control and risk management systems. Preparation of recommendations and an action plan for the transition to tax monitoring.
  Development or updating of a tax accounting system, including an album of tax register forms (reports, certificates), detailed algorithms for compiling tax registers, algorithms for filling out tax returns.
  Development of documentation for creation and automation of internal control and risk management systems: a list of risks, a list of control procedures, a matrix of risks and control procedures, forms of monitoring reports, and regulatory documents.
  Preparation of a set of documents: regulations for information interaction, information on the current system of internal control, an application for the transition to tax monitoring.
  Methodological support of the company's interaction with tax authorities.

FinExpertiza specialists will promptly perform all the necessary works so that your company can accelerate automation and switch to tax monitoring - to optimize work with tax authorities, provide protection against risks and reduce burden on business.

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