Restatement, consolidation and preparation of reports under IFRS

If you have no opportunity to prepare the financial statements under IFRS, our experts are ready to help you.

Preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the international standards implies restatement of the reports repapered under Russian Accounting Standards so as to obtain the reports under IFRS. Within the scope of reporting our specialists will:

  • Make prior classification of the items of the Russian financial statements and the separate economic transactions on the basis of IFRS requirements;
  • Make additional calculations in regard to items of the financial statements in case of difference between IFRS accounting principles and Russian ones;
  • Make adjustments of items of the financial statements prepared under Russian standards;
  • Prepare the financial statements under IFRS as follows:
    • statement of comprehensive income,
    • statement of financial position,
    • statement of cash flows,
    • statement of changes in equity,
    • notes to the financial statements.

If you have subsidiaries, affiliates or a group of companies with a distributed structure, and you need the reports on the holding as a whole, we will assist you in the preparation of the consolidated (combined) statements under IFRS.

We have comfortable, interrelated spreadsheets developed with adjustments relating to restatement and consolidation, including calculations and related notes thereto.

As a result, you get proper transparent reports prepared as required by all the rules of the international standards so that you can submit them to auditors for verification of the fair presentation.

At your request, we can accompany the audit of the reports prepared by us.

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