Corporate Law and Support for Mergers & Acquisitions

If you face the following tasks:

  • creation of new businesses,
  • business reorganization,
  • business expansion through participation in the equity of another legal entity,
  • activities associated with replacement of the Director General,
  • issue of securities,
  • increase in the charter capital,

then our experts with excellent knowledge of applicable legislative framework and peculiarities of legal practice will provide full legal support.

We are ready to offer the following services:

  • Structuring and support of mergers and acquisitions;
  • Legal Due Diligence in regard to activities of a legal entity and corporate rights to this entity;
  • Preparation and support of transactions to alienate assets including non-core ones;
  • Corporate management;
  • Diagnosis of the corporate structure of a business. Optimization of the corporate structure;
  • Establishment, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities created in various legal forms;
  • Securities;
  • Antitrust laws / natural monopolies;
  • Resolution of corporate disputes;
  • Insolvency and bankruptcy.

We are ready to help you with understating of the legislation, development of the optimal corporate structure for business possession and management, which will ensure the most favorable conditions for your acquisition of the corporate right to a business or your disposal of a business and ensure the rights of a participant (shareholder) in case of insolvency and bankruptcy as well as protect the rights to key assets in your business.

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