Real Estate and Construction

Immovable property belongs to key assets for the most business entities. Loss and encumbrance of rights to these assets may entail significant financial loss or liquidation of your business.

Your business stability depends on whether:

  • Verification of rights to these assets is carried out in good faith,
  • A transaction is structured properly, and significant terms of a transaction are agreed,
  • Preparation to the construction process is carried out properly,
  • Potential nuances are taken into account, including choice of a land plot, application of privileges and preferences as defined by law, connection to networks, selection of contracting organizations,
  • You control properly the construction process or other processes related to completion of transactions with immovable property,

Our team of experienced, highly skilled professionals is ready to provide comprehensive support in the following areas:

  • Verification of rights to immovable property, including land plots;
  • Structuring and support of transactions related to acquisition and alienation of rights to immovable property;
  • Structuring and legal support of transactions with immovable property within the scope of the public private partnership;
  • Legal support of the construction process at all stages – from fund-raising and choice of a land plot to agreeing contract terms with contracting organizations and dispute resolution that arises from the construction process and commissioning;
  • Legal support of verification of rights to agricultural land plots and acquisition of rights to these land plots;
  • Protection of interests in disputes relating to immovable property rights, as well as in disputes arising during the construction of real estate.

Timely professional support will ensure the minimization of risks related to acquisition of rights to immovable property and the protection and preservation of these rights.

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