Vladimir Putin signed the Strategy for Economic Security of the Russian Federation. Commentary from Nina Kozlova in "Nezavisimaya gazeta"

16 May 2017

President Vladimir Putin signed the Strategy for Economic Security of Russia for the period until 2030. The decision to prepare the document was taken in the summer of 2015. The work was supervised by Nikolay Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Nina Kozlova

General Director of FinExpertiza

- The document provides a good basis for structural changes in the economy, and their implementation will depend on the quality of developed measures. Nevertheless, growth of entire industries should be based primarily on human capital. The document emphasizes the development of general and professional education. Is a qualitative breakthrough possible without a system of higher education, the development of which is not mentioned in the document? And this is a big minus of the document.

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