Tax dispute resolution

If you:

  • expect a tax audit or you are having a tax audit,
  • need help in drafting an objection letter to an act issued by the tax inspectorate or an appeal to a higher tax body,
  • need a representative in court with respect to a tax dispute with a tax body,

our tax advisors shall provide you with their professional support at any stage of mediation or litigation with tax bodies.

We render the following services to protect our clients’ interests:

  • Pre-trial protection of rights and legal interests of taxpayers including:
    • tax audit support;
    • drafting objections to tax audit acts;
    • drafting appeals to higher tax bodies;
    • representing taxpayer’s interests in tax bodies.
  • Tax litigation including:
    • appealing decisions and acts (failure to act) of tax bodies and bodies of extra-budgetary funds with drafting of all necessary papers (claims, statements, petitions, appeals, explanations, retractions);
    • interlocutory injunctions;
    • representing taxpayer’s interests (fee payer’s interest) in courts of all instances.

Our expert advice shall ensure:

  • minimal distraction of own resources for communication with tax inspectors;
  • efficient professional and timely solution of all tax audit-related issues;
  • security of business.

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