Audit of the global supply chain

The coronavirus pandemic has led to global disruptions in supply chains. The shutdown of enterprises, the closure of borders, and the cancellation of flights have damaged the cooperation ties of millions of enterprises around the globe. Until recently, it was presumed that raw materials, consumables and finished products can freely move from one point to another, and services will always find their consumer. Today we live in a new reality. Experts do not exclude that in the near future, disruptions in supplies may be followed by a crisis of non-payments to suppliers due to a decrease in business activity and a reduction in revenues of companies amid a catastrophic decline in demand. Rapid restructuring of the supply chain, optimization of operating costs, improvement of logistics processes are turning into one of the key competitive advantages of today. With the assistance of FinExpertiza professionals, you will be able to properly build business processes, reorient your business to new sources of supply, and increase your operational flexibility.

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