Tax law and tax disputes

If your business is subject to a tax inspection the company may need to prepare objections towards the tax inspection certificate or a claim or you need to protect your interests in a court dispute with tax authorities, FinExpertiza will help you solve all tax laws matters. Our tax legal advisors will provide you with a professional support at any stage of the pre-court and court settlement of disputes with tax bodies.

FinExpertiza offers comprehensive services in the following areas:

Pre-court protection of rights and legal interests of a taxpayer including:
support in a tax inspection;
preparation of objections towards a tax inspection certificate;
preparation of a claim to the higher tax authority;
representing interests of the taxpayer in a tax authority.
Court protection including:
appeals of decisions and actions of tax bodies, preparation of required court documents (lawsuits, statements, requests, claims, explanations, statements of defence);
taking provisional measures;
representing interests of the taxpayer in the courts of all instances.

Tax analysis of business projects including:
assessment of tax effects;
assessment of tax risks when reorganizing a business, during investment and financial projects;
identifying origin and reasons of tax risks and possible ways to reduce a tax burden on the business.

Planning the form and content of transactions aimed at reaching optimal tax consequences including giving recommendations on contractual terms;

Consulting of complex matters of application of tax laws and regulations.

Professionals of FinExpertiza will provide you with the methodological base on tax accounting and planning of the highest quality and based on best practices, will help solve any tax inspections, protect from claims of tax bodies and minimise your interaction with the tax inspection.

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