Public Private Partnership

If the sphere of your business interests is investment in infrastructure facilities which may be transferred to the business on condition of the public private partnership, we will provide legal support in identification of the principles and terms of the partnership, including assistance in addressing issues of property management and identification of conditions for sale of services to consumers.

In the absence of stringent regulatory requirements for the methods and forms of partnership, when a degree of participation of the government and private business varies, as well as the conditions of cooperation vary significantly, our specialists are ready to provide a full range of services to support the creation and operation of public private partnerships:

  • Advising on choice of legal mechanisms of interaction in the framework of public-private partnerships and developing appropriate legal documents;
  • Interaction with governmental / local authorities;
  • Legal support of public-private partnership projects;
  • Advising on the fund raising. Development of documents for registration of fund raising;
  • Examination of regional legislation to identify opportunities for a relevant region to participate in public private partnership projects;
  • Tax advice.

The experienced advisors will help you with mutually advantageous, understandable and predictable cooperation with the government in implementation of investment in governmental assets.

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