Financial and technical expert review in implementation of investment projects

When implementing long-term investment and construction projects, the investor is interested in obtaining reliable information on the progress of works, their cost, timing and quality, the technical condition of the construction object, the validity of the estimate documentation, and compliance with financial discipline. Acting for the benefit of the client in order to optimize his financial costs, our specialists are ready to conduct an independent comprehensive financial and technical expert review and provide a report that will reflect the current financial status of the project and the current technical condition of the facility.

Such an examination can be carried out at any stage of construction: before the start of works in order to assess the economic feasibility of design solutions, directly during construction as a means of monitoring its progress, and after its completion to assess the quality of the work performed and their compliance with the design and estimate documentation. A financial and technical expert review is also important when works are discontinued due to the budget deficit or resumption of a construction in progress item to determine the degree of its physical deterioration and calculate the amount of investment required for its commissioning.

When carrying out a comprehensive financial and technical expert review, our specialists together with technical experts evaluate both the technical aspect of the project and its financial component, including the actual costs during the construction of the facility and compliance with the schedule of works and payments.

Technical and technological expert review

In the course of the technical expert review, specialists will conduct an independent analysis of design estimates and initial permits, as well as key characteristics of space arrangements of buildings and structures for compliance with the parameters of the main technological equipment and functional requirements necessary for implementation of the project.

Based on the analysis results, an independent opinion will be provided with an analysis of the validity of the adopted technologies and the compliance of technical and technological solutions with the stated capacity of the project and the implementation timelines. Such a conclusion of subject matter experts on these and many other issues related to the possibility of implementation of investment projects is one of the key factors when deciding on fundraising and investment attraction.

Financial expert review

Analysis of the financial and economic indicators of a planned or implemented investment project allows dealing with challenges of finance structuring, monitoring the progress of implementation at the stage of support from the investor, assessing the reliability and feasibility of the financial model of the project development.

As a result of the financial and technical expert review, the customer receives a document that contains a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the current state of the project, as well as risks that the investor may face during construction works.

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