Legal consulting

Effective legal solutions for a business are crucial during the crisis when the financial stability of a company depends on a transaction and smooth working process.

A vast verity of legal relationships requires an appropriate qualification, assessment of possible effects and due legal documentation. Professionals of FinExpertiza are ready to provide your business a comprehensive legal support - both a regular one and for separate tasks and anti-crisis planning.

FinExpertiza offers legal consulting in the areas as follows:
Support of legal activities of the company (legal outsourcing);
Legal support of transactions of any complexity;
Preparation of conclusions on application of laws in various legal sectors;
Development of general economic contracts, assessment of tax effects;
Supporting contract entrance, amendment or termination;
Development and support of foreign trade contracts;
Legal analysis of contracts on compliance with the laws and existence of potential risks;

Assistance from highly competent professionals of FinExpertiza will allow you to avoid the threat of terminating a contract due to them being void or due to non-compliance with the laws, to plan activities efficiently and to manage risks in accordance with the appropriate legal treatment as well as to avoid additional finance costs including those resulted from litigations.

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