Valuation of real estate, equipment and a property complex

Lending secured by the property complex as a functioning business unit

In this case, you need the valuation of the generating business unit which owns a complex of property. However, the whole complex is not always pledged in full. We can help you to make the most accurate valuation of every components in order not to jeopardize the interests of owners and lenders.

Lending secured by fixed assets

The subject of the pledge is often property items. We own a huge base of analogues and therefore can ensure a quick valuation for the purpose of obtaining loans.

Confirmation of the value of a transaction with property. Changes in the carrying amount of fixed assets

If you face the problem of inadequate registration of the value of fixed assets in accounting, our experts examine the history of the formation of the value, help you with identification of real situation and form recommendations for possible revaluation.

Confirmation of the value of an insured object

To perform these tasks, we combine the use of common valuation methods (using specialized software) with an individual approach to each case.

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